For everyone: 


All coaches and participants in your sessions should undergo a preattendance self-assessment for any COVID-19 symptoms using the information on the NHS website before leaving home.  No-one should leave home to participate in tennis if they, or someone they live with, has symptoms of COVID -19, currently recognised as any of: - A high temperature - A new, continuous cough - A loss of, or change to, their sense of smell or taste. Should an individual have demonstrated any such

Under LTA guidelines we need to make you aware that undertaking any activity, including tennis, has the potential for increased risk of transmission of COVID-19, and advise attendees to read the Government’s guidance on staying safe outside your home

For Parents:

1. Please drop players off at the start time of the lesson, players will not be allowed on court early.

2. If you have driven please keep your child in the car until it's time to start.

3. If walking/cycling try not to arrive early, and maintain a 2m distance from all other households. (one household per a bench)

4. Please only stay at the club (unless waiting in a car) if absolutely necessary whilst your child plays. If you have other children with you please don't let them play with others around the courts or run around the facility.

For Players:

1. Players need to wash their hands before coming onto court. We recommend all players bring a hand sanitizer with them to also wash their hands after ball collection etc.

2. Players must maintain a 2m distance from others at ALL times. junior school children will have court markings out to help them do this more easily. Secondary school children must be responsible for this themselves. If we feel any secondary school aged players are failing to do this they will be asked to stop their lesson and wait by the side. Because we have no knowledge of other settings there are NO BUBBLES at the tennis club and 'school bubbles' do not apply in this setting to any players.

3. Toilet facilities will be open but otherwise please consider the club house SHUT.

a full risk assessment has been undertaken and available on the window of the clubhouse.

thank you all for your help and support in this changing situation. Hopefully the children will all be able to keep enjoying some outdoor exercise. 



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