What we offer 

So, what exactly do we offer at Premium Tennis? 

Well the answer to that is simple, whatever you are looking for. Whether you want to play competitively, get fitter, or simply enjoy your tennis more we can help. 

If you want a little food for thought here are a few of our most popular requests.

Alternatively do not hesitate to contact us if you have any other questions about our coaching. 

  • Private sessions - these sessions are usually on a one to one basis and really get straight to the heart of how to improve your game.

  • Group drills/coaching - these sessions are for groups of players looking to hit a lot of balls and improve their technique. 

  • Junior and Mini Tennis sessions - We have a lot of experience of running sessions with children of all ages so we know how to make them fun! These sessions contain lots of entertaining and engaging games for youngsters that teach them the fundamental skills for tennis.

  • Match practice - these sessions are designed to improve your tennis tactics. They are focused on match play but broken up to give insight into tactical awareness and short drills to practice that all important court positioning.

We aren't limited to these types of sessions so if you feel there is something else you wish to do please get in touch through the Contact us page.